Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Orchid Review - For RATM Fans

Any Rage Against the Machine fans out there? How about Tom Morello? What about futuristic stories? Then this is for you. From Dark Horse Comics, the guitarist from RATM brings a new take on global warming to the table. Set in the distant future where humans haven't done shit to prevent global warming, the ocean has risen up flooding the majority of the land. Only the rich have power of the high grounds and the poor are left to live in the swampy filth that is inhabitable. Slave trading is common in this time and prostitution is a normal everyday job among women. A resistance has started among the poor that used to be led by the rebel named China who bears a mask that wields extraordinary powers. Only a select few can wear the mask and those who cannot? Their head implodes.
As much as the back story interests me, I feel there's something missing in the main plot. Morello does a good job explaining back story but the main story is weak. Following a rebel, runaway prostitute (named Orchid) with her younger brother, and a strange old woman named Opal, I feel the plot is missing something. I'm six issues in and although it may be a little too early to judge, I'm still lacking any connection towards the characters. Hell, I felt for Rick in The Walking Dead the very first issue. But this series is lacking character development.
The artist, Scott Hepburn, also does the art for Dark Horse's Star Wars series The Knights of the Old Republic so having read a few issues of that, I feel like someone with a lightsaber will pop out at any second. 
Despite the lack in main plot, this is a fun comic that anyone who enjoys futuristic stories should check out. But be warned: This should only be viewed by older audiences. No this is not as vile as Crossed: Badlands (review here) but it should be read by more mature audiences and with caution. Explicit material includes near-rape scenes, blood, sex, nudity (A man is fed his own penis) and more blood. But Hepburn's style adds a cartoonish look to it all and is not as serious as something as Badlands. So there you have it. Review of the first six issues of Tom Morello's Orchid. Hope you guys find this helpful!

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