Monday, May 14, 2012

2014 Ant-Man Film??

When I saw the line up for The Avengers movie, I must say... they should have at least gotten the original cast right if they were gonna make a movie of the first Avengers... And Captain America was not part of the original team. But you know who was? Ant-Man and The Wasp! Where were they?? I mean yes the movie did show the team fighting Loki as their very first fight together and that was equivalent to the first Avengers comic but what about our tiny little friends?? Well recent news has surfaced that director Edgar Wright (Scott Pilgrim and Shaun of the Dead) is in the process of making an Ant-Man movie based on his origins! There is no talk yet though whether The Wasp will be part of the film (damn). Because Scott Pilgrim is one of my favorite films of all time, I am very excited for this new movie starring a more over-shadowed superhero. But I have one problem. I don't really like Hank Pym. Why? Simple. He's a douche. I mean, he's hit Janet (The Wasp for you less knowledgeable Marvel fans out there) when they were married and he's a man whore... He sleeps around everywhere and a lot.
Now yes, he was replaced by skrulls for a long period of time so who can say what he is guilty for but even after the Secret Invasion incident in the Earth 616 universe and The Mighty Avengers comic series picks up with Hank taking the place of The Wasp (Since she died), I just did not like him... I DO not like him. Yeah he's a genius and gives Mr. Fantastic a run for his money and yeah his suit is pretty sweet but.. bleh. I'm not a big fan of Pym. I mean he even had a thing with Jocasta the robot.. C'mon man. Leave the robot love making and affection to the pros (Master Chief). Regardless, I'm thrilled that Wright is in the process of making this film and I'll be excited to see it. I don't know. Maybe I'll have more appreciation for the character after the movie. Only time will tell.

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