Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Batman and Robin Issue 18 - Undone

In the wake of Damian Wayne's death in Batman Inc. 8, the following months in the DCU will be mourning issues starting off with the Requiem tie-ins and Batman & Robin issue 18 has started it off with a bang. This powerful issue is all silent with not one word being spewed and damn is it powerful. After finishing, I can honestly say that i was on the verge of tears due to it's impact. Each panel just shows the pain Bruce is feeling slowly but surely until the last page with the climax of the tale.

Among the titles out this week (Batman, Detective Comics, B&R,  and Batgirl) Batman & Robin 18 takes the cake for Requiem tie-ins. Even if you are not a reader of this series, picking up this issue is a must. Bruce's pain is so vivid and compelling and you do not want to be left out. 10/10 all the way on this book. Good job Gleason and the rest of the creative time.

R.I.P. Damian. You will be missed

Grant, congrats on breaking our hearts