Saturday, May 4, 2013

Iron Man 3 Movie Review

After falling in love with last summers Avengers, I have been worried that Marvel had reached its peak. Guardians of the Galaxy is due next year and I have faith in that but the solo superhero films recently have not been exactly impressive. Until iron man 3. This movie is more of a sequel to the avengers film as it is to iron man 2. Tony copes with the events of the avengers while still dealing with the antagonist the Mandarin. The movie differs from other marvel films by focusing more on internal struggles than action packed external dilemmas. But that does not make it a bad film. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and Robert Downey Jr. nails it out of the park yet again with his excellent performance as the billionaire Playboy. Jokes are sprinkled throughout the film to lighten up the mood and to remind you this is still a Marvel movie. All in all, I recommend seeing this movie in theaters. 7.5/10

P.s. extra scene at the end of credits!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Forgive Me Fellow Readers....

I apologize for my previous post claiming Bioshock is overrated... After a long discussion with my friend and playing through it noticing every small tidbit they included in the game, I can confidently say Infinite is my favorite videogame of all time. Yes the combat can be frustrating to no extent and it makes me want to pull my hair out but all in all, that game is 11/10. Forgive me for my ignorance in not seeing the truth prior.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bioshock Infinite: Is It Really All It's Said to Be?


It seems that the game everybody is talking about nowadays is the one and only Bioshock Infinite. Having just complete the game myself, I would like to announce my concerns. Although the game had a fascinating and unexpected ending, I can't help but say the game is getting a bit of an overrated praise. Yes it is interesting how this and the first game are connected in possibly the coolest way possible but as for Infinite having the coolest and deepest ending to a video game ever? That is a bit of a stretch. And claiming that it is better than the first BioShock is very unfair considering the fact the ending wouldn't be NEARLY as cool if the first game was never made. Therefore, infinite needs the support of the first game to have the phenomenal ending it did. As for the gameplay, it's classic BioShock gameplay with nothing new. Not that there is anything wrong with that!!! But some of the tasks in infinite were extremely difficult which did end up taking some of the fun out of the game. Call me a casual as much as you like but I did take my beating which in turn did ruin some of the fun. Did anybody else have a headache after facing Lady Comstock... TWICE? I mean cmon guys. Give us a break. And the handymans were quite the bitch. All in all BioShock is a noteworthy game and does deserve at least a 9 out of 10 but i cannot shake the feeling that there is some unnecessary hype behind it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Batman and Robin Issue 18 - Undone

In the wake of Damian Wayne's death in Batman Inc. 8, the following months in the DCU will be mourning issues starting off with the Requiem tie-ins and Batman & Robin issue 18 has started it off with a bang. This powerful issue is all silent with not one word being spewed and damn is it powerful. After finishing, I can honestly say that i was on the verge of tears due to it's impact. Each panel just shows the pain Bruce is feeling slowly but surely until the last page with the climax of the tale.

Among the titles out this week (Batman, Detective Comics, B&R,  and Batgirl) Batman & Robin 18 takes the cake for Requiem tie-ins. Even if you are not a reader of this series, picking up this issue is a must. Bruce's pain is so vivid and compelling and you do not want to be left out. 10/10 all the way on this book. Good job Gleason and the rest of the creative time.

R.I.P. Damian. You will be missed

Grant, congrats on breaking our hearts

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Death of the Family Conclusion Review

Spoiler. This is it. Snyder's final installment of the Death of the Family story arc and it's quite the doozie. Full of epic moments though not what you may be expecting. This book tends to lean more towards psychological moments than action packed fight scenes between the Joker and Batman. But that is to be expected after all due to the two's relationship.

Was it a bit anti-climatic?
Depends... if you bought into the hype of Alfred dying or at least someone meeting their fate, then you may be a bit let down. But let's look at this logically. Joker, considering he does not know who Alfred is to Batman, has no reason to kill the old man. To him, he thinks Batman views him as just another citizen. It doesn't make sense that Joker would kill Alfred in spite of hurting Batman. Not to mention, even IF Joker knew Alfred's significance to Batman, I still don't think he would kill off Alfred. Because wouldn't that just take the fun out of Joker's never ending game? Now yes, you could pull the "But he killed Jason" card but Jason and Alfred are two different people to Bruce. He loves them both but nonetheless, they play different parts in his life.

Although I'm in love with Snyder's writing and Capullo's art, I have to admit that although I did love the psychological conclusion to the story involving the revelations of why Joker had his face removed and the explanation to 'removing' the whole Bat Family's face, I wish there was a bit more of an action conclusion that added to the psychological part. And Joker falling down the waterfall... Meh. Same song and dance I feel. We've seen it before where the villain just "get's away".

Showing snippets of each of the Bat members at the end of the issue pondering what had just went down was also a nice touch. It made me sit and think about the 5 months that have passed that enclosed this story and the trauma that came with it. I think Damian and Jason's were the most powerful scenes.

All in all, I am very satisfied with the conclusion and I hope this team of Snyder and Capullo stick with us for issues to come. I give this a solid 9.5/10 and am definitely excited for what's to come in the Batman saga

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Death of the Family Review (Up to Batman Issue 16)

What can I say? This is one of the most promising, drama filled. action packed story lines I've ever read. Scott Snyder's writing is like poetry and I cannot get enough of it. The first page of issue 15 (Batman) had me with my heart going a hundred miles an hour. I probably read it twenty times. And the cliffhanger at the end had me at the edge of my seat. But I think the true jewel on the crown is Batman issue 13. The beginning of all the madness with the Joker. This was definitely one of my favorite comics of all time. The references to earlier stories, the writing, the art, THE COVER. It was all perfect. If you haven't checked out DC's Death of the Family story arc yet, you are missing out.

Why I Disliked the Dark Knight Rises Film

Explicit Language And Spoilers
So today I was discussing the final installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy with my friends and their arguments as to why it is the greatest superhero film ever got me revved up to post this rant. Here we go...

Bane In general 
Christopher Nolan claimed that he wanted The Dark Knight Trilogy to be 'realistic' and not all flashy with giant action packed scenes which i commend. But I'm sorry, tell me the realism in a man who we can guesstimate is about 50 years old (Due to the flashback with Talia as a child and how young she looked then and how old he looked) breaking THE BATMAN'S back. This is not your average Joe. We are talking about The Dark Knight and some random fuck who just has this "strength" can pick him up and break his back? Because Nolan wanted a 'realistic' approach to the series, he lacked the privilege of including Bane's MAIN WEAPON which is his venom which makes him strong in the first place. So that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Second, Bane's mask.... my friends claimed that there was some gas that just keeps him alive. I'm sorry. What? What fucking gas? There was no mention of that in the whole film.Way to be real Nolan. And finally, Bane's weak excuse of a death. Now I've heard the reasoning of his death being what it was because "right when you find out he is just a pawn in Talia's plan, he just becomes a normal person and it doesn't matter." But no Nolan. You cannot do that. This is the villain we have been following the whole film and you just kill him like that? I don't know. Maybe it's just my opinion but I thought it was pathetic. Now this rant is not a rip on Tom Hardy who I believe did an excellent job portraying Bane with voice, personality, and all but let's face it. He did not have the right stature to play Bane. Nolan should have picked someone like Ryback from the WWE who actually has the proper build.

The Ending
I've already heard your excuse for this. It was on auto pilot. If so, riddle me this. What is with the split second scene of Batman in some machinery which you ASSUME is the bat vehicle? My friends defended that he was somewhere else and that was just some machine of his. Bullshit! You witness him take off after kissing Catwoman! Where else would be be? At the fucking batcave? No. And my friend claims that The Bat vehicle is based off of a military vehicle? Um. No. I don't think Batman has the power of traveling 6 miles in 50 seconds. That's wayyyyy too far fetched. Nolan should have just killed him off. If I hear "It wasn't the ending we wanted. It was the ending we needed" one more time, I'm gonna lose it.


  • I love the man. But even Joseph Gordon-Levitt doesn't have the power to just immediately detect Batman when he enters the room. That was also a far fetched move.
  • Bane and his men can just stash away 5 or so motorbikes in the Wall street building and make a cool escape?
  • During the motorbike scene where Bruce Wayne first appears as Batman. When the cops chase Batman, that was one of the most ridiculous car chases I've ever seen. There had to have been at least 100 cop cars all chasing one bike. So they just totally forgot their original assignment of chasing Bane and his men? This whole movie was far fetched.
  • My friend was speaking out of both ends of his mouth claiming that TDKR was better than Marvel's The Avengers as a superhero movie. How? A superhero movie should have outrageous fight scenes with over the top powers and action. If my friend wants to claim that TDKR is realistic, he cannot also claim that it's better than The Avengers when it comes to action and superhero mannerisms. I've been reading comic books all my life and the fact that these friends of mine claimed to know more about the batman franchise than me (even though they've never picked up a comic in their life) is a slap in the face considering how seriously I take my comic book lore. 
You may have your opinions and I have nothing wrong with that. These are my opinions and my facts to back them up.