Monday, April 30, 2012

Review on Romantically Apocalyptic - A Beautiful Job Well Done

Do you like nuclear fall outs? Gas masks? Wonderful art? Quirky humor? Short one page story comics (resembling Calvin & Hobbes)? Free stuff? Then the online comic series Romantically Apocalyptic is for you!!! Released every Saturday, Vitaly S Alexius creates this vivid story about a post apocalyptic London following the tales of a character known as Captain and his (or her?) two accomplices pilot and sniper. Each page that's released is only a few panels long but the art will keep you gawking. The colors are wonderful and the story is humorous. But do not delve into this comic expecting an exciting, thrilling story with plot twists and character development. This comic is about as simple as it gets with very few issues relating to one another. Could it be better if taken more seriously and with a continuing story? Perhaps. But I think what makes it so unique in the first place is it's randomness and I feel it should be left alone. To begin reading Captain's adventures with his notorious heart mug (You'll understand once you read), click the link.

Watchmen Prequels?

Word has gotten around in the comic world that there are to be a few releases this summer of 2012 that may be a bit controversial... Watchmen prequels. Some hate it and some love it. I'm on the border... would I like to know what my favorite character (Rorschach) was up to before the events that took place in Watchmen? You bet your comic collection i do... but am I weary of such an iconic graphic novel such as Watchmen falling? Yes. DC apparently announced that there would be seven series released each varying from 4-6 issues with a Curse of the Crimson Corsair mini story in the back. An epilogue will also be released after this event is over. I guess we'll all just have to wait to see what happens in the months to come...
The Rorschach Promotional Ad

Battle Scars 6: The Final Issue. A Disappointment for the Books

So yesterday i finished the last issue of Marvel's limited series "Battle Scars" and I must Marvel.... you have finally done it... you've actually managed to ruin Nick Fury's persona.... I mean first yes with the whole Ultimates idea and making Nick in that sub-universe look like fraking Samuel L. Jackson was a stretch. But really? Marcus Johnson the new Nick Fury? Some guy we've only known for six issues in a limited series is to replace THE Nick Fury? The leader of the secret warriors? The protagonist in the Secret War? The heroic vigilante we all love? And not to mention, but it's interesting that this new Nick (Marcus) resembles the one from the new upcoming Avengers movie....which is: Yup. You guessed it. Samuel L. Jackson. Huh... resemblance on purpose I'm guessing? Maybe not. But i'm on to this one. All I have to say on this subject is that Marvel should have kept their stupid mistakes (Jackson look-a-likes) in their Ultimate universe and NOT move them to their highly praised original Earth-616 universe... Apart from that large issue I have with this story, the battle at the end with Orion wasn't exactly.. thrilling.. It was like any other normal brawl in a regular comic book and I wish it was more climatic considering the hype this new Nick Fury has behind him in the future months of the Marvel Universe...
What do you guys think?

The Beginning...

Welcome fellow citizens to The True Life of  a Superhero!!!! The blogging site that
  • reviews
  • rants
  • raves
all about comic books (and sometimes) geek/pop culture stuff alike! I am your fellow critic Joshman who will be doing all of the above. No, I am not a famous comic book artist. No, I do not personally know Stan Lee or Brian Michael Bendis or Mark Millar and will be able to leak plot twists and comic ideas on the drawing boards over at the big industries. But YES I will give you the raw GEEK ONLY reviews of your comics, video games, TV shows, and movies (All old AND new!) you see everyday on the shelves and on the screen (but mainly comics cuz that's like my thing) and YES I will attempt to add a bit of humor to it all. Although I can't promise any laughs. So, with all that in mind and without further adieu, welcome to The True Life of a Superhero. I hope you guys enjoy!