Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bioshock Infinite: Is It Really All It's Said to Be?


It seems that the game everybody is talking about nowadays is the one and only Bioshock Infinite. Having just complete the game myself, I would like to announce my concerns. Although the game had a fascinating and unexpected ending, I can't help but say the game is getting a bit of an overrated praise. Yes it is interesting how this and the first game are connected in possibly the coolest way possible but as for Infinite having the coolest and deepest ending to a video game ever? That is a bit of a stretch. And claiming that it is better than the first BioShock is very unfair considering the fact the ending wouldn't be NEARLY as cool if the first game was never made. Therefore, infinite needs the support of the first game to have the phenomenal ending it did. As for the gameplay, it's classic BioShock gameplay with nothing new. Not that there is anything wrong with that!!! But some of the tasks in infinite were extremely difficult which did end up taking some of the fun out of the game. Call me a casual as much as you like but I did take my beating which in turn did ruin some of the fun. Did anybody else have a headache after facing Lady Comstock... TWICE? I mean cmon guys. Give us a break. And the handymans were quite the bitch. All in all BioShock is a noteworthy game and does deserve at least a 9 out of 10 but i cannot shake the feeling that there is some unnecessary hype behind it.

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