Wednesday, May 9, 2012


FELLOW COMIC BOOK FANS! BEHOLD! KIRBY: GENESIS! Possibly one of the most creative comics I've ever read, Kirby: Genesis answers the question we've all asked - what if we made contact with aliens? Taking place in today's time, the author, Kurt Busiek takes comic book legend Jack Kirby's super hero ideas from the years back and incorporates them into a masterpiece. The back story is that back in the 70's, NASA sent out a space probe that would collect data and also, if ever received by an extraterrestrial, would tell them about the human race. Well, the probe has been received and the aliens are responding. Now some of you might be reading this and asking yourself "Who the heck is Jack Kirby?". Oh he's no one special. Just the co creator of The Fantastic Four, The X-Men, and The Hulk. But he had a few ideas of his own and taking those ideas, Busiek creates a pulse pounding story with action, sasquatches, aliens, super heroes, a nerd main character (Who looks exactly like Jay Baruchel), hidden islands, and an amazing plot with a billion sub-stories all going on at once!
The character development is really strong too for the main character named.. Yup. You guessed it. Kirby. It gives information on his upbringing and what his interests include. And he is a mega nerd. I'm only on the fourth issue but I can already tell you guys that this comic series is most definitely going down as one of my favorite comics of all time. The art, delivered by Jack Herbert and Alex Ross is stunning and colorful on every page. There's not one boring page in each issue and you'll stop yourself every moment here and there to gawk at the color each panel holds. The comic is published by Dynamite Entertainment which is a bit odd because well... I didn't know Dynamite could make such incredible comic books. I usually see stuff like Army of Darkness and Marvel Zombies crossovers but nothing this incredible! But it does carry the Dynamite tradition of making a hundred (Technically ten) different cover variants for each issue. So if one isn't appealing to you, there's nine more options to choose from.
Apart from the excessive creation of covers, this book really delivers and I STRONGLY suggest you guys check it out ASAP! If you want a good story and want to geek out and love colorful art, this is your comic!

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