Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hobo With A Shotgun Reviewed!

A while back, my friend came to school telling me about a movie he had watched on Netflix about a pissed off hobo (Played by Rutger Hauer) who was sick of crime. This is that movie. I had the... pleasure of finally viewing this movie tonight along with the film Rubber. The film was made in 2011 and is so underground, it doesn't even have a rating. The story takes place in a crap city (Probably based off Detroit) where a lonesome hobo drifts on in trying to save up enough money to buy a lawn mower (For $50) until he sees the hellhole the citizens are living in which seems to be ruled by a gang leader known as The Drake. So what to does this mild mannered hobo do? Buy a shotgun and clean up the scum of the streets. Jason Eisener is the director and I like how the movie has an 80's theme to it with a neat techno-ish soundtrack and the film is even vintage/old style. But be warned. This movie is NOT for children. Filled with gore galore, pedophiles, burning children and the f-bomb just about every other word, younger audiences should not be in the room.

Although the film attempts to be serious, you can't help yourself but laugh throughout it at it's cornball setting, dreadful one-liners, and its cheesy effects. It attempts to make you feel for the hobo and his prostitute friend he picks up later in the film but you can't help but not give two shits about them. Despite all the gore and violence, this is a light, fun movie to watch with your friends on a Saturday night. Don't be expecting any deep, moving story because you will not find it here. But I mean were you really trying to? It's called Hobo With A Shotgun for frak's sake.

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