Saturday, May 5, 2012

Avengers Vs. X-Men Issue 3

Okay uhh what the hell? Just finished issue 3 and I'm confused... Why is Cap so damn aggressive against Wolverine? That's just not his type of character to just start swinging when he doesn't get his way and just because Wolverine wants to kill Hope, Cap throws him out of the ship??? A bit harsh... And at the beginning of the issue the Avengers and X-Men are just sittin' around in their own groups chatting while the first two issues, they're at each other's throats wrecking each other... I thought that was a bit odd too. Oh well. Besides those flaws, all in all it was a good issue and the Pichelli Variant for this issue is sick with Hope up against a mirror with the phoenix on the other side. Too bad it's like $20 at my local comic shop.

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