Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Digital Comics. WTF

So I know this whole digital comics thing isn't new or anything and has been around for a while. But it's slowly rising up and really getting on my nerves. Comic BOOKS, keyword BOOKS, were made essentially as magazines released every month so you could read and collect and enjoy. Now, I don't know who's idea it was to start creating digital editions of comics but it's not gonna fly with me. No sir. When you turn a comic into something from hard copy to something you can only view through a digital screen, it takes ALL of the fun out of it! I mean my AvX issues have all come with codes you enter on or something and you can get a digital copy of the issue. Well guess what Marvel?? I don't want a digital copy! I want the hard copy I can take ANYWHERE and enjoy it anyway I want! What if something happens to your precious fake comic collection of digital files and it crashes or something? Or your internet shuts down and you can't punch in your stupid little code? Then you're fraked. Digital comics are the worst thing that could happen to the comic book industry because us true collectors want hard copies. Not files that ANYBODY could get. That's part of the fun in collecting comics. Hunting for that missing issue in your collection and when you offer digital comics, you take that fun out cuz you can just look it up on or and bam! There it is. So yes fake collectors, enjoy your digital files but don't you dare call yourself a true comic collector you poser. Leave our hard copies alone. Rant over

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